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What is a Deep Plane Facelift?

A deep plane facelift is designed to reverse signs of aging in the face without distorting the patient’s natural beauty. The advanced techniques involved in this approach indicate that the results may last even longer than those associated with a full facelift.

‘Deep plane’ is in reference to the layer of muscle and fascia located between the SMAS-platysma complex and the facial muscles. Rather than pulling the skin tight to make it look more youthful, a deep plane facelift repositions and releases the deeper layers of muscle and fat in a tension-free manner.

What does the procedure entail?

Similar to other facelift procedures, such as a SMAS facelift, a deep plane facelift involves making incisions hidden around the ears and within the hairline. This allows the muscle and skin to be moved as a single unit, giving Dr. Weber the ability to address aging in the entire face at once rather than in isolated sections.

The first step typically involves releasing and elevating the platysma muscle beneath the chin. This is often referred to as a deep neck lift. Once the platysma muscles are released, they are repaired with temporary sutures. Next, the procedure focuses on releasing the zygomatic ligaments in the cheeks, elevating the midface, and reducing nasolabial folds. The masseteric and mandibular ligaments are also released to reduce jowls and improve definition in the jawline.

Once the layers beneath the SMAS muscles are repositioned, the deep plane facelift lifts and tightens the face without impacting the deeper layers of the skin. This approach simultaneously gives patients more profound results while also reducing the likelihood of healing complications.

Closeup of an older woman's face, hand to her neck, highlighting facelift in Denver

What are the benefits of a Deep Plane Facelift?

  • A holistic approach to improving the facial structure
  • Tightens and strengthens the underlying facial muscles
  • Avoids pulling the skin too tightly
  • An effective treatment for patients of any age
  • Can take as many as 10 to 15 years off the face
  • Gives patients a boost in self-confidence

Who is an ideal candidate for a Deep Plane Facelift?

A deep plane facelift is considered to be ideal for younger patients who are looking to take preventive measures against dramatic signs of aging before they develop. That said, it is also useful for older patients who are currently dealing with more advanced signs of aging, such as sagging skin and loss of volume in the face.

During the private consultation, Dr. Weber carries out a thorough and in-depth analysis to determine which techniques can best address the patient’s unique concerns. As with any surgical procedure, patients should:

  • Be in good physical and mental health
  • Avoid blood-thinning medications including over-the-counter medications such as Aspirin and Ibuprofen
  • Be non-smokers
  • Have realistic expectations for the outcome of the procedure

Facelift Before & After

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What is the recovery process like?

Following the surgery, light cotton dressings are applied to the treated area and kept on for the first 24 hours. Patients are prescribed pain medications to help control any discomfort or pain they may feel for the first few days following the procedure. It is unusual for Dr. Weber to place drains after a facelift surgery. He performs about 150 facelifts each year and places a drain in about two of those procedures in a typical year.

Numbness, bruising, and tightness in the face are normal and to be expected, but they are temporary effects that typically only last a few weeks. Patients can expect to get back to normal activities after 10 to 14 days. All strenuous activity must be avoided for at least 3 to 4 weeks.

Why Choose Dr. Weber for Facial Plastic Surgery?

Why choose Dr. Weber?

A renowned name in the world of aesthetic facial surgery, Dr. Stephen Weber has been proudly providing the greater Denver area with the best in cosmetic procedures for decades. His lengthy educational and training background includes Boston University School of Medicine, Oregon Health and Science University, and the University of Michigan.

Beyond his credentials and certifications, Dr. Weber is championed for his consistent dedication to excellence and client satisfaction. He curates a fine-tuned treatment plan based on the patient’s unique concerns and ensures that they are comfortable throughout the treatment process.

Reach out today to set up an appointment.

Deep Plane Facelift FAQs

How long do the results last?

Changes with the deep plane approach are long-lasting. Patients usually don’t require any additional treatment until 10 to 15 years after their deep plane facelift. Patients maintain the youthful effects of the treatment even as they get older.

Is a deep plane facelift more painful than a full facelift?

It is thought to be the opposite. A deep plane facelift involves less trauma to the skin, making it a considerably more comfortable procedure.

Is the recovery process longer with a deep plane facelift?

While the deep plane facelift is a safer procedure, the deeper layers of tissue may take longer to heal. Nonetheless, the upper layers of skin heal and look normal much sooner than those deeper levels, meaning that patients can keep their social lives active while they’re still healing.

Why is a deep plane facelift more expensive than other types of facelifts?

A deep plane facelift involves more advanced surgical techniques and a high level of precision. As such, the costs are usually higher. It’s more cost-effective in the long run to choose this procedure, as it can achieve results that last a very long time.

Can a deep plane facelift be combined with other treatments?

Yes. Some procedures that are often performed in tandem with a deep plane lift include a brow lift, blepharoplasty, and neck rejuvenation. Patients will have the opportunity to explore their options and receive other relevant information when they come in for the private consultation.

Weber Facial Plastic Surgery



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