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Rejuvenate your brow region with a Brow Lift

Some of the very first signs of aging manifest in the brow region. As eyebrows sag, they can encroach upon the eyes and give a sense of fullness and weightiness to the upper eyelids. Patients with sagging brows frequently express concerns about appearing older than their actual age. Additionally, they may convey an unintended impression of anger or fatigue.

Why Choose Dr. Weber for Facial Plastic Surgery?

What is a Brow Lift?

A brow lift is a surgical solution that effectively addresses a sagging brow by elevating, reshaping, and repositioning the eyebrows. Dr. Stephen Weber, a double board-certified Facial Plastic Surgeon, specializes in tailored brow lifts in Denver, CO, to help patients achieve their aesthetic aspirations.

Brow sagging is a natural consequence of the aging process. Factors such as stress, smoking, sun damage, and genetics can accelerate this process. Often, a brow lift stands as the only viable option to address brow drooping and revitalize the eye area. In instances of pronounced eye aging, patients may consider pairing their brow lift with upper eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) for a comprehensive rejuvenation outcome.

Woman with a sidelong glance, hand to her shoulder

Brow lift at a glance

  • Surgery time: 60 minutes
  • Anesthesia: General anesthesia
  • Setting: Ambulatory surgery center
  • Recovery: 5 - 7 days

Brow Lift Before & After

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Who is an ideal candidate for a brow lift?

Patients who are dissatisfied with the aesthetics of their forehead and upper eyelids can benefit from a brow lift in Lone Tree. Typically, suitable candidates are healthy, non-smoking adults without severe medical conditions, who maintain a positive outlook and have a good understanding of what the treatment entails. To confirm candidacy, patients are encouraged to schedule and attend an initial consultation with Dr. Weber.

What is Dr. Weber’s approach to a brow lift?

Dr. Weber conducts brow lifts as outpatient procedures at an ambulatory surgical center, employing general anesthesia for patient comfort. A board-certified anesthesiologist administers anesthesia, ensuring patients are pain-free and comfortable throughout. The procedure involves the following:

  • Strategically positioned incisions discreetly rest behind the hairline, eliminating visible scarring.
  • Delicate dissection of weakened muscles and loose skin from the forehead bone, enabling gentle brow elevation and secure fixation using absorbable anchors.
  • The procedure concludes with the closure of incisions using dissolvable sutures, meticulously executed to promote proper healing and minimal scarring. The entire process typically takes around 60 minutes.

Patient Review

“I found Dr. Weber to have everything I was looking for when it came to plastic surgeons. He was professional, caring, honest, and from others who had surgery performed by him, he is extremely talented. Both he and his staff are 5-star.”

B.M. - Brow Lift

What is Dr. Weber’s approach to a brow lift?

Dr. Weber conducts brow lifts as outpatient procedures at an ambulatory surgical center, employing general anesthesia for patient comfort. A board-certified anesthesiologist administers anesthesia, ensuring patients are pain-free and comfortable throughout. The procedure involves the following:

  • Strategically positioned incisions discreetly rest behind the hairline, eliminating visible scarring.
  • Delicate dissection of weakened muscles and loose skin from the forehead bone, enabling gentle brow elevation and secure fixation using absorbable anchors.
  • The procedure concludes with the closure of incisions using dissolvable sutures, meticulously executed to promote proper healing and minimal scarring. The entire process typically takes around 60 minutes.

What will my recovery be like?

Following their procedure, patients are transferred to the postoperative recovery area, where vigilant monitoring by an anesthesia specialist ensures the gradual fading of sedation or anesthesia effects. In cases of discomfort or pain, appropriate pain medications are administered. Once patients are fully awake, alert, and pain is effectively managed, they can be safely taken home by a family member or friend.

Dr. Weber always provides patients with comprehensive at-home recovery guidelines ahead of their procedure, strongly advising them to have a support person present during the initial 24 hours post-surgery. Subsequently, patients schedule their first postoperative visit within 24 hours of surgery, followed by a second appointment at the 5-day mark. Typically, patients receive clearance to resume work and regular activities after their five-day follow-up.

Weber Facial Plastic Surgery

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What are the different types of brow lifts?

The Endoscopic Brow Lift:

Utilizing an endoscope, a slender tube equipped with a camera, this minimally invasive technique boasts swift recovery times due to its inconspicuous, small incisions behind the hairline. It has rapidly gained popularity among cosmetic surgeons.

The Coronal Brow Lift:

This method involves the precise removal of scalp tissue, coupled with the elevation of the forehead and eyebrows. The incision, hidden behind the hairline, heals into a discreet scar.

The Tricophytic/Hairline Lift:

Typically favored by individuals with a higher hairline, this approach necessitates an incision at the hairline itself, ensuring that the hairline does not rise after the scalp skin is removed and the brows lifted. This results in a smoother forehead and elevated eyebrows.

Direct or Mid-Forehead Lift:

In the Direct Brow Lift, the incision is positioned just above the eyebrow, offering direct elevation of the lateral eyebrow. In contrast, the Mid-Forehead Lift entails incisions within forehead furrows (wrinkles) for an alternative approach. These approaches result in surprisingly little scarring and can be easily performed in the office setting without the need for an IV or general anesthesia. The direct browlift is particularly well suites for lifting of the lateral, or outer, portion of the brow.

What results can I expect from my brow lift?

The majority of patients experience a noticeable enhancement in their brow shape and position immediately after their brow lift in Denver. As the swelling that occurs post-surgery gradually diminishes, results will continue to improve. Typically, final results become visible within the first three months of recovery.

Final results include the following:

  • Achieving a lifted and youthful brow position
  • Diminishing the heaviness and hooding of the upper eyelids
  • Creating an alert, rested, and more open-eyed look

Results are exceptionally natural, subtle, and aesthetically pleasing. Dr. Weber's extensive training, expertise, and experience allow him to deliver patients a refined and graceful brow that embodies youth and beauty.

How much does a brow lift cost?

The starting price for a brow lift is $12,000. Factors such as case complexity and anticipated length of surgery can influence the final cost of a brow lift in Denver. Surgery cost includes the surgeon's fee, facility fee and anesthesia cost. The final cost will be discussed during your private consultation with Dr. Stephen Weber. This procedure is performed at a fully accredited Ambulatory Surgery Center (ASC) and your anesthesia will be provided by a board-certified MD Anesthesiologist. If necessary, our office can assist you in applying for financing.

Side of a woman's face highlighting brow lift in Denver

Why select Dr. Weber for a brow lift?

Experience You Can Trust

We know that when you’re considering any procedure, finding a trustworthy provider is essential. Dr. Weber at Weber Facial Plastic Surgery embodies an exceptional blend of experience, expertise, and unwavering commitment to client care. With 15 years of experience as a double board-certified Facial Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Weber has performed over 150 successful brow lift procedures, solidifying his position as a trusted authority in the field. At Weber Facial Plastic Surgery, we take great pride in helping clients bring out their inner beauty through our comprehensive slate of procedures. Don't delay your journey to renewed confidence and timeless beauty—contact us today and trust Dr. Weber and our dedicated team to guide you through your brow lift experience with the highest standard of care and expertise.

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Leading the Field in Brow Lift Mastery

Dr. Stephen Weber, a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon, is celebrated for his mastery of brow lift surgery. Renowned for his precise techniques and innovative approaches, Dr. Weber shares his expertise with colleagues and peers through dynamic presentations:

  • Browlift: What Was Old is New Again. 2012 Ultimate Colorado Mid-Winter Meeting.
  • Endoscopic Browlift. Congreso Sociedad de Otorrinolaryngologia del C.M.N.O.
  • Anatomy of the Forehead/ Endoscopic Browlift. Stanford Facial Plastic Surgery Course.

Brow lift FAQ

Are there risks associated with a brow lift?

There are risks associated with all surgical procedures. The risks associated with a brow lift will be carefully explained to patients at their initial consultation. Because Dr. Weber takes any and all measures necessary to reduce risks, the overwhelming majority of patients find that potential risks do not play a factor in their treatment decision.

Can men have a brow lift?

Men who have a drooping brow are great candidates for a brow lift. Lifting the brow removes wrinkles and restores a more youthful look. Men who undergo a brow lift look younger and more relaxed after their procedure.

Can I have a brow lift if I have thin hair?

Dr. Weber uses special incisions to perform brow lifts on patients who have thin hair or are going bald. He carefully places incisions in areas with a low risk of forming a noticeable scar.

Will my brow lift results not look natural?

Dr. Weber provides patients with natural-looking results. He takes great care to make sure he lifts the brow to an appropriate height. Patients do not have to worry about their brow being elevated too much when they choose Dr. Weber as their brow lift surgeon.

Do I have to stop smoking to have a brow lift?

Smoking interferes with healing processes and prevents patients from achieving optimal results. Patients are advised to stop smoking two weeks before and two weeks after their brow lift procedure.

Can I combine my brow lift with another procedure?

A brow lift may be combined with a blepharoplasty or facelift to completely rejuvenate the face. Patients who are interested in a combined procedure may discuss their options with Dr. Weber at their initial consultation.

Are there ways to maximize my brow lift results?

Patients who are interested in maximizing their results are encouraged to follow all of Dr. Weber’s recovery instructions. In addition, the following measures can be used:

  • Always apply sunscreen to the brow when going outside for a prolonged period of time
  • Regularly exercise and eat a well-balanced diet
  • Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol in excess
  • Patients who receive maximum results are usually those that have a positive outlook and realistic goals and expectations

Is it important that my brow lift is performed by a Facial Plastic Surgeon?

Facial Plastic Surgeons who are board certified are the most qualified surgeons to perform brow lifts. When choosing a facial plastic surgeon, patients should always look for one that has experience and a documented history of providing patients with excellent results.

Does Dr. Weber have brow lift before-and-after photos and patient testimonials?

Dr. Weber has helped countless patients achieve their aesthetic goals using a brow lift procedure. He believes that before-and-after photos and positive patient testimonials are great resources to help them make their treatment decision. At initial consultations, Dr. Weber shows patients before-and-after photos of patients who had a similar condition to theirs. Patients who choose to have a brow lift go into their surgery knowing what type of results they will receive.

What can I do to prepare for my initial consultation for a brow lift in Denver, CO?

Dr. Weber asks that patients bring a list of medications and herbal supplements they are currently taking to their initial consultation. He also encourages patients to think about their aesthetic goals and reasons for wanting to have surgery. Patients who want to bring pictures for Dr. Weber to review may do so.

Weber Facial Plastic Surgery



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